Uno de los maquillajes de la canadiense / Instagram

Uno de los maquillajes de la canadiense / Instagram


Una maquilladora revoluciona las redes con sus ilusiones ópticas

Los vídeos de la canadiense son una obra de arte del maquillaje que en algunos casos son terroríficos

8 agosto, 2017 12:02

Mini Choi es una maquilladora de Canadá que ha saltado a la fama gracias a sus increíbles, y a veces terroríficos, maquillajes. La Instagramer sube todas sus obras de arte a su cuenta personal y los usuarios no pueden creer que con maquillaje se puedan generar estos efectos ópticos.

Caras cortadas, ojos en la boca, cuencas oculares vacías, rostros imposibles, carne viva, su imaginación no tiene fin y su talento parece que tampoco.

La canadiense de 31 años cuenta con 274.000 seguidores en Instagram y su trabajo es realmente de otro mundo. Muchos usuarios se han rendido ante su talento y otros, aterrorizados, no pueden creer lo que ven.


Thank you @businessinsider for the feature on Facebook! ❤️ I really want to thank each one of you here who has supported me and my art throughout these past 3 years. It's amazing how a little self-belief and hard work could impact your life. 3 years ago, I decided to change my career as a Montessori preschool teacher with no art background to become a professional makeup artist. A lot of people were shocked about my decision but I decided it was time for me to stop letting my fears determine my path and step out of my comfort zone for once. I started off with a little goal: to do my best everyday, to make daily improvements no matter how small they are, and to keep track of my progress on Instagram. I got into illusion makeup because it was the most challenging style to me. I started doing it regularly because I was fascinated by the amount of self-learning and trial and error required each time, even though I didn't think anybody would be into it because these makeups are not wearable. I do it simply for myself as a self-improvement exercise. I never imagined that one day people would notice it and that I would be getting the kind of job opportunities that I've been getting. I guess all I'm trying to say is that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. It's true when people say whether you think you can or you can't, you're right. I believe that the happiest and most successful people aren't the most talented, prettiest or wealthiest, but the ones who believe that they can turn their dreams into reality, who aren't afraid to test out their crazy ideas, who work hard, and who show gratitude. You really only live once. Nobody can save you but yourself. ❤️

Una publicación compartida de MIMI CHOI (@mimles) el